Caitlin's Bridals - Fort Worth, TX


I freaking love Bridal Sessions! Wedding days are so busy and we are fitting a big to-do list into a short span of time. But a Bridal Session? It is an hour dedicated solely to being creative with photos of the Bride. Of COURSE there are logistical reasons why I love Bridal Sessions (like getting to see how your hair/makeup look in photos so you can make necessary adjustments for the wedding) but, mostly, I adore getting to slow down the process of taking portraits. I get to try new things and focus on the minutia without rushing to get to the next thing. And for Caitlin’s session, I walked in with the goal of looking for interesting light. Little did I know that Brik was going to lavish me with interesting light EVERYWHERE, which perfectly fit Caitlin’s romantic, winter glam vibe! I’ve been itching to share these photos since January and now is finally the time so I’ll stop talking so you can go check her out. Go, go, go!